Essay about Mitosis and Mitotic Spindle Forms

Submitted By christinatard
Words: 372
Pages: 2

A eukaryotic cell, on the road to division, goes through two major stages. These two stages are known as the cell cycle. The first is called interphase where the cell grows and develops before dividing; within this, there are three phases: G1, S, and G2. The next stage is called mitosis where the division of the cell actually occurs. During this duplicating process, two identical cells containing the same number of chromosomes and the same generic information are created. Mitosis is broken down into four phases: prophase, metaphase, anaphase, and telophase and cytokinesis.

During prophase, four major things happen. Chromosomes containing two sister chromatids condense, a mitotic spindle forms, protein fibers grow, attach to the chromosomes, and move them around, centrosomes containing centrioles move to opposite sides of the cell, and the nuclear membrane disappears. Next during metaphase, chromosomes line up at the equator of the cell. This then leads into anaphase where the sister chromatids split and move to opposite sides of the cell. During telophase, new nuclear membranes form, spindle fibers disappear, and chromosomes return to chromatin form. All of this then results in the division of the cytoplasm, which is referred to as cytokinesis. When the cytoplasm divides, two new cells are created.

Controlling cell division is a very complicated process that is studied by scientists everywhere. Some cells contain molecules called cytokines that when released, trigger other cells to go through mitosis. If two adjacent cells aren’t touching, they will