MKTG 320 Week 6 You Decide Solution 1 Essay

Submitted By triangulollc
Words: 1445
Pages: 6

Week 6 You Decide - Vancouver Symphony Orchestra
1. What management questions you are hoping to resolve and how did the data help?
Answer – The Vancouver Symphony Orchestra (VSO) is faced with situation of its sales revenues declining due to declining number of attendance with the economic slowdown also having an impact on its ticket sales. The first management question that the company is hoping to resolve is on how it can stem this decline in attendance and increase attendance and sales over remaining four months of the year. Another related question that the management would want to have actionable insights on would be to get a better understanding of their customers, how each customer group is different and how they can best cater to the needs of each of them. Based on this they want to arrive at the right marketing and communication that connects well to the target customer groups, and makes them come to the VSO. Analysing the data that is given, we can see that there has been a steady decline in ticket sales in both in the number of subscribers and fall in individual ticket purchases across both categories of customers. Looking at Question 3 that talk about the number of times different types of customers attend the VSO, we can see that only subscribers have attendance of more than 2-3 times and above while the numbers of having visited more than once is very less. This could be a potential insight for the company where they could increase the chances of customers who have visited once to come back again for the second and multiple times that could boost the attendance numbers of the company. In terms of the ratings of the VSO Characteristics (Question 5), the VSO scores Good to Excellent in most parameters but one thing that stands out as an area of improvement is the Music Selection where most customers have not rated it Excellent but only rated it Poor to Fair or Good. This shows an area of focus for the company which if it can improve, it would be able to attract many more customers who seem to be very knowledgeable about music and know what they want to listen to when they go to an orchestra. In terms of the preference of the day when people want to attend the VSO, it can be seen that Subscribers want to attend on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Fridays and Saturdays, while former subscribers and nonsubscribers do not have much preference which day they would like to attend. Based on this the company could probably use this insight to select what day to organize events for what customer types, and probably have special days or special events that cater to each individual customer type. The same type of analysis is relevant or the show timings as well where the company can see what type of customers like to attend which show as per timing and then schedule specials or relevant programs at that time that would ensure that customers have events available when they want it so that its really convenient or them to attend. Therefore we can see that the data analysis is very helpful to get a better understanding of customer preferences by customer types that would help the company to offer more relevant events on days and times where they could maximize on and attract most customers.

2. What decisions did you make?
Answer – Based on the above analysis, one of the major initiatives that the company should do is to focus on increasing repeat attendance from former subscribers or non-subscribers and potentially over a period of time convert them into subscribers. This they would be able to by offering multi show tickets, special prices on the next show if they buy a single ticket and attractive offers for a combination of shows. All these initiatives are designed to increase attendance and get existing viewers to come to VSO multiple times. The company should look at analysing the selections of shows it is doing, probably get some customer input from regular customers and make a new selection of music that aligns with what