Essay about Modules Q A marking V7 18112013

Submitted By cwpjulie
Words: 9136
Pages: 37

Please answer all the following questions. Note that some questions may have more than one correct answer. Clearly circle the letters A, B, C or D that you feel correspond with the correct answers. Questions may refer to sections of the Consultant Reference Library, recent company literature, as well as material available in the ‘Consultant Only Area’ of our website.

Development of Cambridge

1. Who helped Alan Howard organise an obesity symposium in 1968?

A: Duncan Maclean
B: Ian Duncan Smith
C: John Logie Baird
D: Dr Ian McLean-Baird

2. Why is a 'zero- calorie diet' not a practical solution for weight loss?

A: There is no such diet
B: Tthe containers would be too small
C: Wweight loss would be too rapid
D: Iit would be too dangerous

3. Apart from excellent weight loss, what were the ideal properties of the formula food developed by Alan Howard?

A: Rright level of fats
B: Rright level of protein and carbohydrate
C: RDA complete
D: Rright level of vitamins, minerals and trace elements

4. What was the reason for aiming for a low level of carbohydrate in the formula?

A: Tto cut down on fat
B: Tto protect lean tissue
C: Tto promote mild ketosis
D: Tto suppress feelings of hunger

5. At which hospital were the first trials held?

A: Cambridge University
B: Addenbrooke's, Cambridge
C: West London
D: West Middlesex

Product guide - Product do’s and don’ts

Exercise 1 - Allergies and conditions
What products would you advise for a customercClient with gluten intolerance?
All Accept Butterscotch, porridges, mix-a-mousse, mushroom soup– Free text
Exercise 2 - Allergies and conditions
What products would you advise for a customercClient who is vegetarian?
All Except Strawberry Silk, Beef in pepper, Chicken in Tarragon, Med Chicken and mix a mousse

6. For Vitamins A, B6, C, D, E, what percentage of the recommended daily allowance is included in three servings of Cambridge products?

A: 83%
B: 100%
C: 92%
D: 120%

7. Which Cambridge Eat Easy meal would be suitable for a customercClient who was lactose Intolerant?

A: Beef in Pepper SauceMediterranean Chicken
B: Chicken Curry
C: Vegetable Chilli
D: Chicken in Tarragon Sauce

8. How much water should be used to mix a CWP sachet?

A: Aat least 4 pints
B: 1 pint
C: 2 pints
D: aAbout half a pint

9. Which of the following are useful sales aids to assist you with your customercClients?

A: Cambridge Weight Plan (CWP) Steps Programme booklet
B: Insider magazine
C: Information for Ddoctors booklet
D: Cambridge Inspiration magazine

10. Please indicate ALL the statements you believe to be true

A: mMeal bars can always be used as a direct replacement for a sachet meal
B: Bblood cholesterol can be reduced by 75% when Sole Source is used C: Aall customerClients should be given copies of the CWP Steps Programme booklet
D: Chicken & and Mushroom flavoured soup should be avoided by people who are allergic to eggs.

Cambridge programmesProgrammes

Exercise 1 – Suitable programmes
Below is a summary of some potential customerClients and we’d like you to indicate, in each case, which Step programme would be most suitable. Give a FULL explanation.

(Unless otherwise stated, assume their BMI is above 27 and medication is OK and that the Medical