Monarch Butterfly Effect On Society

Words: 484
Pages: 2

The monarch butterfly is one of nature's many marvels now facing the fear of becoming a distant memory of the earth. The monarch butterfly population has seen an alarming and rapid decline due to loss of habitat and global warming, leading to damage in the U.S. economy. Recent studies have shown an alarming and rapid decline in the monarch butterfly population.
“Studies have shown monarch butterfly numbers east of the Rocky Mountains have declined by approximately 90 percent in the last 20 years. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service equated that population drop to a loss of approximately 970 million butterflies during that time span.”
Monarch butterflies are rapidly approaching extinction. The issue is often overlooked due to millions being ignorant of the benefits provided by the monarch butterflies. Newfound interests and attentions have been given to this cause in order to slow or prevent extinction.
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“The Missouri Department of Conservation is one of many agencies and organizations throughout the central and eastern U.S. that are involved in efforts to increase habitat for monarch butterflies and other pollinators.” These agencies are working to bring awareness to the population crisis and protect the remaining monarch butterflies. The effect these insects have on the U.S. economy could be the cause of this newfound surge of protection acts. “Studies have shown the financial benefits provided to U.S. citizens by butterflies and other pollinating insects can be measured in the billions of dollars.” The U.S. economy could potentially suffer due to spending billions of dollars working to pollinate if the monarch butterflies could not. This emphasizes the idea that humans will only involve themselves when they see a personal