Monroe Doctrine Research Paper

Words: 603
Pages: 3

James Monroe created the Monroe Doctrine in 1823 to justify the United States political and military intervention in Latin America. The Monroe Doctrine stated that the United States would not tolerate any european country to colonize Latin America. In result to the Monroe Doctrine, the Roosevelt corollary was invented. Teddy Roosevelt created the Roosevelt corollary in 1904. It declared that if any problems were to arise, such as them violating the United States rights ,then the United States would step in as a police force.

The United States played the big brother role in Cuba. Jose Marti influenced other revolutionaries to fight their independence and inspire others to do so as well. He is considered a hero for his constant efforts in trying to gain independence for his homeland by writing articles and forming a group to help fight for their country. The United States chose to help Cuba because they had 50 million dollars invested there, and they traded for sugar with Cuba. They felt empathy towards Cuba because they knew how it felt to be controlled by a European country. Therefore, the United States assisted Cuba through the fight for their independence, which caused the Spanish-American War. The Spanish declared war on Cuba by
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Instead of going around Latin America, the Panama Canal provides a way for ships to go through it. Going through the Panama Canal cuts the ride by half, which is more efficient to all the people wanting to trade with each other. The Panama Canal would be an expensive development which would take ages to finish. Roosevelt believed that the Panama Canal would be a good investment because it would bring lots of money through merchants wanting to trade. He wanted the Panama Canal because he wanted to even the playing field with the British. The United States ended up saving about 88 million dollars a year due to the Panama