Monsanto Ethical Dilemmas

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Pages: 2

I had three takeaways from the group presentations on what not to do:

1: Ego and Pride: This was one recurring theme of every presentation that pride and ego of the company or an individual prevented the companies from fulfilling their ethical duties. In the case of Richard Fuld and Martin Shkreli, their individual ego blurred the ethical vision of their company and caused turmoil for both situations. In the case of Richard Fuld, his ego had caused damage to countless of people and the result of his ego is still affecting people to this day. In the other presentations such as Toyota and Olympus the pride of the Japanese culture prevented the correct thing being done. From both the individual and company level ego and pride can cloud the ethical performance of these companies and as seen in the presentations, this was a clear reasons for several of the escalations of their ethical failure.

2: Ernst and Young: Ernst and Young were the auditors involved with two of the presentations, Olympus and Lehman Brothers. As an
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I would either write down the items I wanted or just went along to help lifting water. After the presentation on Monsanto I will now become very aware of what I am getting when I start grocery shopping. It really confused me on how Monsanto can get away with the various things they did. Especially in an industry that so many people are dependent on. I know consumers do not have to eat the items Monsanto contributes but they are involved in so many that it is hard to avoid their products. Along with that, Monsanto’s connection to Agent Orange and Roundup makes me wonder if there were any cross contamination or issues related to cross contamination. At lowest level of ethics, I believe that even Monsanto would make sure to avoid an issue like cross contamination but their track record a possibility could exist that this happened