Montanez Strengths And Weaknesses

Words: 679
Pages: 3

This article is about three specific cases about kids who got sentence to life in prison. They got sent to prison because they were involved in a major crime. All three cases had to do something with first degree murder or second degree murder. First, this piece will discuss two weaknesses in the article. Then we will go on to identify some of the strengths in the article, and talk about my opinion if I agree with the final verdict.
One of the weaknesses in this article I believed was the quote in front of each case. I believe if the quote was within the case, it would be more beneficial to the reader, rather than just having it has the first sentence of the case. For instance, the first case the quote they put in those not flow into the opening of the paragraph. The quote is there for no purpose, and sometimes it might even throw of the reader what the main focus of the case. This applies for the other two quotes as well for the second and third case.
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She was interrogated without the right of lawyer and acknowledgement with any of her parents. I believed this is a violation of the 5th amendment of how the person has the right to have a judge or parent/guardian with them when they are getting questions. However, she had nobody. Also, after she was leaving the interview rooms, she was getting filmed by news channels, which is a violation of the Illinois law. This leads to the main weakness of this case and that is how she was charged with first degree murder at the age of 15. However, at the age of 17 she was found guilty for two murders, although she only committed one murder. I feel that is injustice because first of all the police knew she only murdered one person, but that judged still accounted her for both the murders. Because she was found guilty she got life imprisonment without parole. Unless she should not have gotten life