Moon Over Manifest Theme Essay

Words: 460
Pages: 2

The setting was a small town named Manifest.
I think that the setting was important because it was an town of immigrants, like Abilene was to the town in the book. It also made it believable that no one would really know each other, since one of the points in the story was bringing everyone together, because if everyone had been there for generations it would be unrealistic for people to not know each other, while only one or two generations would be believable.

Main Character
Abilene Tucker was the main character of Moon Over Manifest, and she was a very defined character.
One of her traits were toughness. For a young girl she was very able to handle pretty big things, like for example jumping off trains or being left with complete
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She knows that in order to better fit in she should try to act and talk like the townsfolk, so she said words like y’all in the beginning in an attempt to fit in. She also knows when it is not the right time to push things and when it is like when she wants Mrs. Sadie to share another story,but she knows better than to force it.

I think the main theme was that together we stand, divided we fall. One time this really shew was when the townspeople all needed to cast aside their differences to overthrow the tyranny of the coal companies and put together the money to buy out the coal vein. Despit different opinions, nationalities, and beliefs, they came together to free themselves.

Main Conflict
I think that the main conflict of the novel was that Abilene knew nothing about her dad’s past and was trying to find out about him. Although there were smaller conflicts like finding the rattler, in the end of things it really was between Gideon and Abilene. This conflict was resolved by Albolene learning about how her dad (Gideon/Jinx) had left her because he was still worried he brought bad luck to everyone. When Abilene had gotten cut on the train and said it was just a scratch, just like Ned did before he died in the Great War, he got real worried about Abilene and decided it was best he left her alone to shield her from his curse, but in the end he came