Moon Research Paper

Words: 496
Pages: 2

Some people look up at the moon and think it’s just a big rock in the sky, but I think it’s much more than that. The moon affects plenty of things including the tides. Since the moon is orbiting Earth we see moon phases most of every night. Every year new craters are formed on the body of the moon and the dark areas are known as lunar Maria. Since the moon plays such a big part in our solar system, people want to continue learning more about it.
The moon is Earth’s natural satellite. Or a curved path around a larger object. The moon is 238,900 miles away from Earth. The moon travels in it’s own orbit at 2,237 miles per hour. The moon is some what large in relation to Earth. No other planet have larger satellite as the moon. Pluto has a moon
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The moon has its own characteristics, one of the moon’s characteristics of the moon are craters. The moon has plenty of craters you won’t believe it . The moon has many mountains like Earth. There are plenty of lighter areas on the moon. The moon's radius is about 1079 km. There is also another characteristics of the moon which is called maria. The moon's phases are the most well-known features of the moon. To start off with one of the moon phases is the new moon. This means when the moon is not visible to earth and no sunlight is hitting the moon. A few days like two to three days to be precise is the crescent after new moon. Also known as first quarter, when the moon is waning or growing and not much of sun light is growing but next is the gibbous it is half moon. Then the most well known phase is the full moon. The full moon is when plenty of sun light hits the whole moon. Then there is the wane which is when it starts to shrink becoming a New moon. Last there is the last quarter, is when the moon has completed three quarters and it has completed its trip around the Earth. In conclusion the moon phases are a lot more harder than it seems to