Acts That Do Not Alter The Nature Of An Action

Submitted By gabbydugas
Words: 1060
Pages: 5

I. Vocabulary
Acts that do not involve the intellect and will. (Breathing)

(4 points) Intention of an Action Acts of Humans End of an Action Human Acts Object of an action Correct
Points Awarded: 4
An ethical system that determines good and evil form the consequences that follows an act.

(4 points) Intention of an Action Situation ethics Proportionalsim Consequentialism Rationalism Correct
Points Awarded: 4
The moral conditions that are added to and modify the moral nature of an action.

(4 points) Circumstances Situation ethics Moral Relativism Rationalism Consequentialism Correct
Points Awarded: 4
The first goal of the intention and purpose pursued in the action.
(4 points) Circumstances Object of an action Moral Relativism Intention of an Action End of an Action Correct
Points Awarded: 4
The free and responsible choice a person makes to orient, in a radical manner, his whole existence in a moral direction toward good or evil

(4 points) Fundamental Option Object of an action Moral Relativism Intention of an Action End of an Action Correct
Points Awarded: 4
Actions that are performed with deliberation and free choice.

(4 points) Fundamental Option Acts of Humans Moral Relativism Intention of an Action Human Acts Correct
Points Awarded: 4
7. A movement of the will toward the end, the goal of the activity.
(4 points) Acts of Humans Object of an action End of an Action Intention of an Action Human Acts Correct
Points Awarded: 4
The belief that there are no absolute truths, and that morality changes with each new situation.

(4 points) Moral Relativism Proportionalsim Consequentialism Rationalism Situation ethics Correct
Points Awarded: 4
An ethical theory that derives good and evil from the circumstances that accompany the acting agent.

(4 points) Moral Relativism Proportionalsim Consequentialism Rationalism Situation ethics Correct
Points Awarded: 4
The doctrine that rejects supernatural revelation and makes reason the sole source of knowledge.

(4 points) Moral Relativism Proportionalsim Consequentialism Rationalism Situation ethics Correct
Points Awarded: 4
An ethical system that deduces the moral value of an act from the proportion of good and evil effects.

(4 points) Moral Relativism Proportionalsim Consequentialism Rationalism Situation ethics Correct
Points Awarded: 4
A good toward which the will directs itself. The object of an action should not be confused with the intention that a person has when performing the act.

(4 points) End of an Action Proportionalsim Intention of an Action Rationalism Object of an action Correct
Points Awarded: 4
13. II. True or False

Human acts are those which are not under a person’s control.

(2 points) True False Correct
Points Awarded: 2
Actions performed by human beings are those done with knowledge consent, thought and free will.

(2 points) True False
Correct Answer:
Points Awarded: 0
There are only two components of a moral choice.
(2 points) True False Correct
Points Awarded: 2
The aim of Christian morality is to enable a person to make the correct moral choices in all circumstances.

(2 points) True False Correct
Points Awarded: 2
The object of an action determines good or evil of an act primarily from its nature.
(2 points) True False Correct
Points Awarded: 2
The intention of a moral act can make immoral object good, but can make a moral object immoral.
(2 points) True False Correct
Points Awarded: 2
A evil intention can change an act with a morally good object to an evil act.

(2 points) True False Correct
Points Awarded: 2
20. A good intention can not make an morally bad object good, because the act is still