Essay Morgan Leslie

Submitted By HonorWildcat
Words: 323
Pages: 2

Morgan Leslie
Comparison Paper

Brave New World and Minority Report

Like many stories dealing with knowledge of future events, “The Minority Report” questions the existence of free will as well as the book, Brave New World. The world is controlled or founded by the head of the divisions. John Anderton is the founder and head of Precrime in The Minority Report; the Director is the head in Brave New World. Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World contained dystopian futures, Huxley’s world, where humans are made in “hatcheries” and the people were kept compliant, not by threat, but by the numbing of their senses with pleasure inducing drug “soma”. In The Minority Report, the precogs were held in a triplet cell like place where they were also kept compliant. To keep the precogs predicting and preventing crimes they were induced with a drug called neuroin which is illegal and is used to control citizens, just as the citizens in Brave New World. The Minority Report isn’t just known for predicting the future technology; the film shows how people and governments will use technology in the future. The film looks to the differences and conflict between the powers of a domestic police force and the army. The government in the Minority Report controls the citizens with eye scanners as well as the pre crime unit. In the story A Brave New World the director controls the citizen’s minds using electric shock and brain washing. An example of this is when the nurses brought out the babies; the