Morimoto Teaching As Transgression Analysis

Words: 294
Pages: 2

1. After reading Morimoto’s (2008) “Teaching as Transgression: The Autoethnography of a Fat Physical Education Instructor”, I do believe that weightism can be equated to racism. As Morimoto (2008) put it, “Fatness is conflated with indulgence, gluttony, and laziness… fat people are generally perceived as less intelligent, incompetent, lazy, and socially unpleasant and emotionally unstable” (p.30). Throughout her experience teaching, Morimoto received feedback from students stating that they did not expect much from her as their physical education instructor due to her weight. Since they thought less of her based off of false judgments from her looks, I think it is easy to see the connection between racism and weightism. However, one’s race