Most Common Procrastination Behavior

Words: 465
Pages: 2

As this figure shows, the most common procrastination behavior is "it always been a long time to get up in the morning", which takes 68.30% in total. The second major procrastination behavior is "I have no plans to study and often spend last little time to review for the test". 38 students agreed on "the plan to exercise always be put off" and "the assignment is usually finished before its due time." About twenty students would buy life-needed supplies at the last time. Fourteen students would always prepare at the time when going to a party.

As this graph illustrates, 31 students (49.20%) procrastinate because no one monitors them. They feel free to put things off. 27 students (42.0%) feel no interest about what they procrastinate. From all 70 valid responses, 41.30% of total students indicate they have no idea to make any plans as they believe they have enough time. 22 students don't know how to make plans. 18 students think it's because their friends or roommates who have procrastination influenced them. Approximately 17.5% students are perfectionism. They prefer to improve again and again.
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The highest vote is "stay up late to complete some tasks and affect health." 52 students (82.50%) agreed on this. 61.9% students would have negative emotions if they do procrastinate. Half people sometimes miss out on some opportunities because of their procrastination behaviors. Others (41.30%) agreed on procrastination may cause low quality