Motivation Evaluation Essay

Submitted By lindasagginario
Words: 446
Pages: 2

Motivation Evaluation
John F. Kennedy, the 35th President of the United States of America as well as the nation’s youngest elected president in 1960, was and is an inspiration to many individuals. Taking a look back at his decision to run for president, many people wonder what motivated John F. Kennedy, when he was ready to take on the world’s problems while the rest of us did not. When you are able to understand theories of motivation you are able to understand why people decide to do what they do and the choices they make in their life.
To know why someone does what they do you need to know a little information about who they are. John F. Kennedy was born on May 29, 1917 in Brookline, Massachusetts. He graduated from Harvard in 1940 and went into the Navy in 1943. John F. Kennedy became a congressman and advanced to senate in 1953, and married his wife Jacqueline in September in 1953. In 1960 was a first-ballot nominee, winning by a small margin he became the first Roman Catholic President.
Knowing just a little about him you now can take a look at the theories of motivation to get a better understanding of why John F. Kennedy made the choices he made in his life. Psychoanalytic theory of motivation is broken down into four principles: determination, drive, conflict and unconscious. This means that just maybe his fate was predestined and the forces around him helped him succeed with determination in everything he did in his life. Making things that he was able to accomplish in his life look as though he was meant to be there at that time. The Second theory is what they call the humanistic view. The