Motivation In The Broadway Play 'Hamilton' By Lin-Manuel Miranda

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Pages: 3

In the Broadway musical “Hamilton” by Lin-Manuel Miranda it centers on the protagonist Alexander Hamilton, through his young life in the Caribbean to his death of being shot by Aaron Burr. Alexander Hamilton is depicted as an extremely motivated person who is desperate to rise up in the world. He is also portrayed as a passionate and opinionated person. In this musical Alexander Hamilton demonstrates his desire as someone who wants to leave a legacy behind after he passes on.
Hamilton’s motivation and his desperation to rise in the world through the musical is depicted as a fierce force. You can see examples of his motivation and desperation in everything he does to rise in the world like in the scene in the musical when the song Right Hand Man
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This is shown in the song “The Story of Tonight” when Hamilton sings “I may live to see our glory! But I will gladly join the fight!” (Miranda). This shows that Hamilton will do anything to leave a legacy behind after he dies even at the cost of his own life. Another example of Hamilton’s desperation to leave a legacy behind is during the song History Has Its Eyes on You” when Hamilton is told by Washington that “You have no control who lives, who dies, who tells your story” (Miranda). This shows that even though Hamilton knew strived to create a great legacy that it still gets told even if he has no control.
In conclusion the Broadway musical portrays the protagonist Alexander Hamilton as an extremely motivated person who is desperate to rise up in the world. He is also portrayed as a passionate and opinionated person through the way he wears himself on his sleeve. In this musical Alexander Hamilton demonstrates his intense desire as someone who wants to leave a legacy behind after his death as shown through the way he tried to go back to the battle after working for Washington and fight for glory and