Motivational Interview

Words: 879
Pages: 4

MOTIVATIONAL INTERVIEW: OBESITY Obesity is a growing health problem in the United States. The Centers for Disease control and Prevention (CDC) (2016), estimated that the annual medical cost of obesity in the U.S. was $147 billion in 2008, this was an increase or 37 % compared with the cost of obesity with the years 1987 to 2001. Fortunately, obesity is a preventable and treatable disease that with an appropriate methodology applied by the health care providers and the patients themselves could successfully be manageable (Saladin, 2012). Habit modification is the main portion of a successful treatment against obesity. However, obesity treatment encompasses two important components, first the patient and second the health care provider. …show more content…
An obesity treatment plan is integrated by multiple phases that together are intended to promote a behavioral change in the patient. During these multiple phases, therapeutic interviews between the patient and his/her health care provider can shape the outcome of obesity treatment. It is at this point of the process in which a health care provider can utilize a technique called Motivational Interview. It is a helpful instrument not only to facilitate and guide the patient to describe his/her own motivations and solutions, but also to lead the patient to a successful therapeutic treatment. An example of a motivational interview of an obese patient is the following case study: 42 year old patient with BMI 40, working 9-5 job at a bank, 4 children ages 4-12, married, husband works 3pm – midnight, does have a treadmill, but not using. Recent A1C 6.4%. The present essay includes this author’s reflection regarding the utilization of motivational interview techniques to influence change of habits on the patient described above under case study category; the transcript of the actual interview can be found at the …show more content…
Health care providers have the knowledge and the moral obligation to utilize their knowledge in influencing their patients to a healthy life style. Subsequently, the relationship between patient and health care provider can shape the level of motivation in the patient to successfully reach a healthy body weight. Consequently, communication between patients health care provider is an imperative part of the patient-care giver relationship. However, communication is integrated by verbal and nonverbal elements. In addition, in order to have an effective therapeutic moment with a patient, health care providers need to pay undivided attention. According to Miller & Rollnick (2013), undivided attention is particularly communicated by the eyes at a motivational interview. While, during this first motivational interview, this author did not have the opportunity to fully apply all the motivational interview techniques (verbal/nonverbal communication), she experienced the benefits and limitation of verbal communication through phone call. Furthermore, the lack of experience applying the techniques previously learned through classroom materials made this author think about the priceless value of practice in addition to face-to-face communication. Additionally, “this author’s patient’s feedback” with regards “the providers”