Mr And Mrs Bennet Essay

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Pages: 3

1. What is the relationship between Mr. and Mrs. Bennet? How does Austen convey the tone Mr. Bennet uses with his wife?
Mrs Bennet is demanding and wants him to do everything she wants.

2. Why is Mrs. Bennet so interested in the young man’s arrival?
She hopes that her daughter will one day marry the man

1. Despite Bingley’s appearance as a most eligible bachelor, what is revealed about his family, his age, and his inexperience?
He comes from a family of wealth. He is young and hasn't dated anyone

2. How is Elizabeth’s fun at Darcy’s expense different from his own behavior toward her and her friends and family?
Elizabeth is popular and Darcy is not liked by anyone 3. Do you agree with Mrs. Lucas’s distinction between pride and vanity and her
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What is meaningful about Mr. Bennet’s attention to Collins’ “talent of flattering with delicacy”? How does Mr. Bennet seem to toy with the younger man, playing on his ego?
He says that mr collins makes herself seem better but still complements them.
3. What motivates Collins to seek a wife from among the Bennet girls? 4. How does Wickham differ from Collins in his self-estimation?
He was inheriting the house and wanted one of the girls to stay in the house.
5. Why is Wickham’s candor concerning his situation and his relationship with Darcy surprising? Are his revelations appropriate? Why or why not? What keeps him from talking even more openly? CHAPTERS 17- 22 1. How does Jane’s desire to see the good in everyone differ from Elizabeth’s judgments?
Elizabeth is pessimistic. 2. In what way does Elizabeth’s family embarrass her at the ball? Is she justified in her reactions?
Mrs bennet yells about Jane's engagement before it happened. 3. Why might Elizabeth be the “least dear” daughter to her mother? Could her father’s preference have provoked this response?
Elizabeth is the only daughter who does not listen. Mrs bennet may have been