Mrs. Cullinan In Maya Angelou's Finishing School

Words: 192
Pages: 1

“Finishing School” by Maya Angelou is a type of narrative essay that shows Maya Angelou’s childhood working as a maid for Mrs. Cullinan in Arkansas as a child, when she started to learn all the values that she was supposed to learn as a white person ,other than, what she needed to learn as a black person, Maya Angelou’s tone conveyed her true feeling toward her being treated like the way she was. Although, there was a problem that arose in her working with Mrs. Cullinan, as she couldn’t pronounce her name right, she was being treated unnecessary. She wanted to be respected and to be treated as a human being rather than just a “slave”. She stood up for what she believed in and did not let Mrs. Cullinan take advantage of her. Maya Angelou