Mrs. Estremera Case Summary

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Pages: 4

Family: Mrs. Estremera had reported in the past that youth had difficulties following household rules occasionally and needs reminders to complete household chores such as throwing out thrash and cleaning his room. It was noticeable that there was a breakdown in communication between youth and his mother. Due to Dionisio past and present behaviors, Mrs. Estremera clearly does not trust youth which makes him angry and causes arguments between the two of them. The family was making some improvement when they was attending family therapy on an outpatient LOC. The family relationship had improved. Mrs. Estremera was starting to trust youth again. She did not questions Dionisio whereabouts or who he was hanging out with because he was compliant with the house rules, attending school daily, attending outpatient therapeutic services at High Focus Centers in Cranford and informing Mrs. Estremera on his where about when he went out with his friends. Mrs. Estremera was under the impression that Dionisio was finally taking his education, therapeutic services and house rules serious. …show more content…
Estremera expresses how proud she was of the progress Dionisio has been making. There was also less verbal altercations in the home between youth and his mother. Dionisio services at High Focus was interrupted due to youth continues maladaptive behaviors. He was recommended for a higher LOC by High Focus Centers due to his continuous negative drug screens. Dionisio was referred to a Specialize Residential Treatment Program. Mrs. Estremera was not pleased by the High Focus Centers recommendation because youth is in his senior year and due to graduate in June 2018. Mrs. Estremera continues to be supportive of her son and she just wants to see Dionisio become successful in