Essay Mrs. Smith

Submitted By charleston8937
Words: 420
Pages: 2

This particular article is about ethics (Women Can DO IT By: Rumbidzayi Zinyukeethics December 13, 2012) and women in the workplace. It tells and describes how women should take charge and be more confident in themselves by being positive determined leaders. The article states how women go into a job with a certain mind set of either they can or cannot perform the job duties they face at the work environment. Today women have more job availabilities than men have right now. The article also stated how women should lift up and empower one another to be great leaders and have confidence in themselves. Women have come a long way in the work place due to their restriction of rights back then. Companies did not believe that women were able to do the same exact jobs that men could do such as hard labor because they assumed men are just stronger and can get the job done better. Today the laws have changed giving women the right to work wherever they would like without being discriminated against. There is no excuse in today’s society why a women cannot do a man’s job if you want to do it go for it and stick to it.

This article relates to chapters one and two because it talks about ethics. Giving women the right to work wherever they would like is ethical decision making. This article relates to consumers Bill of Rights because it gives women the right to safety, to be informed, and to be heard and not discriminated against at the work place.

An experience I have had in the past that relates to this article is when I worked at a ware house when I