Mrs Trunchbull In Matilda

Words: 493
Pages: 2

The movie Matilda follows a gifted young girl who is enrolled in at a school which has a violent, tyrannical, and rude principal, whose name is Mrs. Trunchbull. Throughout the movie, Mrs. Trunchbull is portrayed in a way that frames principals and other types of educators as extremely mean and unpleasant. For example, Mrs. Trunchbull has a contraption called “The Chokey” which is a small room with nails and glass that she puts children in when they misbehave. In addition, Mrs. Trunchbull also at one point in the movie says, “…my idea of a perfect school is one in which there is no children at all”. This type of attitude and conduct leaves children watching films like Matilda vulnerable to develop a negative and false bias regarding how principals …show more content…
Similarly to Mrs. Trunchbull in Matilda, a middle school teacher named Elizabeth Halsey in the movie Bad Teacher is portrayed as a careless, drug abusing individual who does not care about her students and even steals money from them. Due to the fact that Elizabeth uses drugs and steals from her students, popular culture through the media, reinforces a incorrect cultural stereotype that teachers do not actually care for their students and or, have no motivation to help these children succeed and learn. Conversely, in the episode “Franklin Goes to School” in the TV series Franklin & Friends, this young turtle and his other animal friends attend their first day of school and warmly greeted by their caring teacher. Throughout the episode, the teacher treats the students respectfully and the utmost amount of care. In addition, Franklin and his friends are seen receiving help on homework and learning valuable skills from their teacher. With that being said, teachers who are portrayed in a positive manner can influence and motivate children to create a relationship with their