Muscles Anatomy Essay

Submitted By coolkid100
Words: 1157
Pages: 5

Aponeurosis- covers muscle, made of dense connective tissue
Ligaments and tendons also made of dense connective tissue
All of these are deep fascia
Shoulder girdle muscles: Teres minor, subscapularis, supraspinatus, and ifnraspinatus

Muscles Found in Head:
Masseter: Opening of jaw, sits below jaw
Muscles of Facial Expression: smallest, most delicate, and embedded in fatty tissue of face
Muscles of Speech: Same as those of facial expression, speak normally to children, there is a period of time in which these grow and enunciation and pronunciation is important
Muscles of Mastication: Chewing
Muscles of Swallowing: Activated by nerves, swallowing is a reflexive behavior, "cafe coronary" - people are prone to choking when distracted, talking, or etc.

Muscles Which Move Head and Neck:
Sternocleidomastoid - Attaches to mastoid processes, help elevate clavicle and move head, and is named for where it inserts
Trapezius: Makes you look like you have no neck, in posterior of neck, lifts head

Muscles Which Move the Shoulder Girdle:
Trapezius: Elevates scapulae, must be peeled away to see muscles underneath
Levator Scapulae: Raises scapula, points inferior angle towards the spine
Rhomboideus Minor: Superior to the major, works with major, rotates scapula to the out and downward
Rhomboideus Major: Same movement as the minor, works in conjunction to turn in downwards, inferior to the minor
Serratus Anterior: Finger-like muscle on the side of the body or ribcage, moves scapula forward laterally

Muscles Which Move the Arm:
Supraspinatus: Located where the supraspinous fossa is on the scapula, abduction of arm through 10-15 degrees of its arc
Infraspinatus: Located where the infraspinous fossa is on the scapula, extension of arm, major external rotater of arm, rotates the head of the humerus
Teres Minor: Works with Infraspinatus to rotate the head of humerus and also extension of
Teres Major: Not a part of the rotater cuff because it is too low, medial rotater and adducter of humerus, assists latissimus dorsi
Latissimus Dorsi: Connects under armpit; extension, adduction, horizontal abduction, and internal rotation of shoulder joint
Pectoralis Major: “Pecs”, flexion of humerus (throwing ball sidearm), adducts humerus (flapping arms), rotates humerus medially (wrestling), taking deep breaths, to exercise do push ups
Deltoid: Over the arm, not part of the muscles that move shoulder girdle, abducts humerus

Muscles of the Abdomen:
Rectus Abdominis: also known as the "six pack", is a paired muscle running vertically on each side of the anterior wall of the human abdomen (and in some other animals). There are two parallel muscles, separated by a midline band of connective tissue called the linea alba (white line).
External Obliques: largest and the most superficial (outermost) of the three flat muscles of the lateral anterior abdomen.
Internal Obliques: intermediate muscle of the abdomen, lying just underneath the external oblique and just above (superficial to) the transverse abdominal muscle. Its fibers run perpendicular to the external oblique muscle

Transversus Abdominis: a muscle layer of the anterior and lateral abdominal wall which is deep to (layered below) the internal oblique muscle. It is thought to be a major muscle of the functional core of the human body
Other Notes:
-Incorporate muscles of back and hip
-Supposed to be used when demand for oxygen goes up
-Arms across chest when doing crunches, don’t pass 36 degree angle
-Linea alba (white line down center of abdominals)
-Inguinal canal is more prominent in males than females and males have inguinal hernias more often
-Linea semilunaris the curved lives on the outside of the abdominals
-Beneath each pair of abs are arcuate lines

Muscles Which Move the Arm:
Biceps Brachii: There are 2 heads; First one attaches to coracoids process (medial), second attaches to infraglenoid tubercle (this is the lateral one; which is