Music In The 1920's

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Pages: 7

The History of Music
Music has been something that has affected everyone, physically and emotionally, for years, especially the 1920´s, 1970´s, and the 1980´s. All three of these eras were the biggest not only in music, but society as well. The 20´s known for its Jazz Era, the 70´s as the Disco and Pop Era, and the 80´s introducing New Wave and Hair Metal. Music that was popular in those eras are still popular today.
The 1920´s was one of the first eras that got everyone stirring about music. From its famous jazz artists to the way people were during that time, the 20´s was an era of big change. The way music was made and distributed was influenced by new technologies and the beginning of the recording industry. When the acoustical recording
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They were mostly played in places like speakeasies, but they also played in private clubs, dance clubs, jazz clubs, and roadhouses. A large number of dances from these bands were introduced in this era like the “Charleston,” the “Black Bottom,” the “Shimmy,” the “Foxtrot,” and the “Lindy Hop.” Dance music became so popular that the style of “Flapper” dresses for women were made. Their easy fit and styles made them ideal for the flamboyant and active dancing that dominated the decade, even though these types of clothing were not really created with dancing in mind (“1920’s”).
Another famous, more well known genre made was Jazz. It began within the black community in New Orleans in the early 1900s. It combined the styles of European and African music into one. This type of music reached the mainstream in the 1920s when Southern African American musicians began going up to Chicago looking for work. Because of Jazz music having such an enormous cultural effect, the Twenties are called the Jazz Age. Jazz was important because of it influencing on fashion, dances, accepted moral standards, youth culture, and race relations
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Nothing was really understood in this era, not even the sound, fashion, or the charity. The 80s reflected the beginning of a period of income disparity and affluence that was focused on music. There were some new genres that came up during this time period. Some of them were Hip Hop, New Wave, and Hair Metal (“1980’s).
New Wave began in the 1970s and was very popular until the 80s. It eventually became tied with hip hop as music videos got onto MTV. New Wave bands and artists also had an effect on fashion with their unique clothes and hair. Many one hit wonders of the decade were in this genre. Some of the New Wave bands were Duran Duran, Blondie, Billy Idol, the Talking Heads, and Culture Club (“1980’s”).
Hair Metal got its roots in the 1970s Glam Rock. Popular bands in this genre usually came from the L.A. Sunset Strip and the UK. Songs had catchy hooks and a pop sensibility lyrically. Groups were called “Hair Bands” because of the long hair the had. Some very notable hair bands are Bon Jovi, Van Halen, Aerosmith, Def Leppard, Guns n’ Roses, and Poison.
Music has been something everyone likes. Whether or not we all like the same kind of music, we still like it. It is a big part on some people’s lives. Music is something that without it, we would not be able to understand the world like it is. Music that was popular in their eras are still popular