My College Experience: A Conceptual Analysis

Words: 619
Pages: 3

College is an institution of higher learning. When I had the opportunity to start college early, I took it and signed up for dual enrollment classes. Even though I was thrilled to started college I was nervous because of what I thought college was going to be like, let’s just say that my expectations were a little far off. My college experience thus far has been nothing like expected; I thought I would only take one or two test throughout the term, that there would be barely if any homework and I expected to struggle with the classes. When I thought about what college was going to be like I thought that I would be taking a test or two for each class, turns out I was wrong. I thought that all college classes only took a midterm and then a final. Despite what I thought every class is different it depends on the professor, the class, and the material. In my college success class we take a test every week, on the chapter that we have covered that week. However in my dual enrollment English class we take quizzes to cover the things we have learned and then at the end of the course we will take a final. Not only the amount of tests, was I wrong about, but the structure of these tests. I thought they would be just like my high school test, cut dry and straight to the point; and the tests and quizzes were not …show more content…
It turns out homework is also unique to each class just like test and quizzes. For instance, in my college success class we have homework every week and we have to turn it in for a grade. Unlike my college success class, my English class has barely any homework assigned and when there is homework it’s usually just reading to prepare for the lecture in class. I think that my expectations for having no homework came from thinking that every class was lectures and then a final, but that is not the case for all