My Errors In English 1113 Class

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Pages: 4

In my previous English classes, I was aware of the need for commas, but was not completely familiar with comma usage rules. Due to my unfamiliarity, I struggled with knowing if I was placing them correctly or not. At the beginning of English 1113, I attempted to understand why commas needed to be in the places that they were. In the first draft I submitted, I noticed multiple comma errors after my teacher responded with feedback. Many of my mistakes were errors I had never been corrected on in the past. I did not understand the variety of ways commas could be used, so I struggled understanding the guidelines regarding those ways. As English 1113 progressed, my attempts at understanding became certainty in my comma placing abilities. I received further feedback and gained a considerably improved understanding of the need of commas in certain areas. Also, I came to understand why the placement of commas was so important in writing. Although I still struggle with commas, I have greatly improved in knowing how to appropriately use them in my writing.
My understanding of the usage of commas in a series was low before I entered the English 1113 class. Growing up, I was told to not put a comma before the “and” of the third item in a series. With this prior knowledge in mind, I made a mistake in my first
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In my draft “The Media’s Effect On Body Image”, I was able to construct my thesis statement with independent clauses and a comma without any assistance (1). I realized that for two independent clauses to be joined together there must be a comma with a coordinating conjunction. I will always seek help from peers and colleagues for revision of my papers, but I am able to correct many mistakes on my own that I was not able to before. In this paper, I have been able to correctly punctuate with commas and feel extremely more confident in my usage of