My Essay

Submitted By Micha1223
Words: 799
Pages: 4

Socials test review questions
Main ideas and concepts: 1) Each region has its own distinct physiology. 2) Tectonic forces are those originating beneath the surface that alters the surface configuration of the earth as a result of tectonic (lithosphere) plate movement. Plate tectonics is the main force of nature responsible for the geologic history of North America. Over time, the plates have come together to form the continents, including North America. Other processes, such as sedimentation and erosion, modify the shape of the land that has been forged by plate tectonics. 3) By 12000, the ice sheets began to melt. The advance and retreat of the ice sheets changed the landscape of North America. In most of the southern Prairies, the ice left flat land. In other areas like the Canadian Shield, the ice scraped the rocks bare, leaving only thin layers of soil. 4) On this question, you could draw a before and after picture. So it could look like a forest and green on one side, and on the other side you could draw less trees and less green.
1) a) Fold mountains are formed from the collision of continental tectonic plates. Since neither plate sub ducts under the other, the colliding plates wrinkle and fold like a rug being pushed into a wall.
b) Volcanoes are formed when Earth's tectonic plates collide and form a peak, and when the Earth's magma goes into the peak and releases magma and carbon dioxide and other gases and lava flows.

2) The coastal plains are subtropical and the western cordillera is like a rain forest. 3) In the Canadian Shield, the soil is moister. In the interior plains, the soil is drier and less fruitful. 4) a) Because heat makes things humid, and humidity brings water. Therefore, in the winter when it is cold, it is less humid, which means that less precipitation will occur.
b) Miami is hot all year round, so it has more heat. Therefore, more precipitation happens. 5) Because hurricanes tear up and destroy so much stuff. So, when it comes time to rebuild, cost for supplies become high. 6) 7) Natural: Rock or soil that remains below 0°C for at least two years. Surface conditions including vegetation, organic cover and snow thickness can influence permafrost temperatures.
Man made: Roads, railways, airstrips, pipelines, buildings, and other structures rest on foundations of one sort or another placed in the upper layers of the ground. In general, a cooling trend will not seriously affect the performance of foundations unless differential heaving occurs. This would tend to occur on the margins of permafrost bodies where taliks would become frozen.
Important terms:
Region: An area with similar characteristics
Tectonic: To do with the structure of the earth’s crust
Fold mountains: Mountains created by the bending of rock layers
Volcanic mountains: Mountains created by breaks in the earth’s crust
Erode: To wear down the surface of the earth
Glaciation: Land being covered with thick, moving ice
Vegetation: Plants that grow naturally in an area
Topography: The shape of the