My final exam Essay

Submitted By babos97
Words: 747
Pages: 3

In nature, there are 3 types of rocks: metamorphic, igneous, and sedimentary. Metamorphic rocks form when heat and/or pressure are applied to another rock. An igneous rock is a rock that is formed by cooling magma. Finally, a sedimentary rock is formed when other rocks are weathered down by rocks and water and the particles that come off them as a result of this are compacted and cemented together to form a new rock. A mineral can form in two different ways: it can crystallize from cooling magma, or it can crystallize after a solution that it was dissolved in evaporates.
When igneous rocks are exposed to weathering and erosion, they break down into smaller particles that are transported by wind and water to a place of deposition, where they can form into sedimentary rock. Igneous and sedimentary rocks can also be changed by heat and/or pressure into metamorphic rocks, by transforming their existing mineral structures into new minerals or realigning the existing minerals. There are different degrees of metamorphism, so even an existing metamorphic rock can become a different metamorphic rock. Igneous and sedimentary rocks can also be changed by heat and/or pressure into metamorphic rocks, by transforming their existing mineral structures into new minerals or realigning the existing minerals. There are different degrees of metamorphism, so even an existing metamorphic rock can become a different metamorphic rock.

Minerals are found in the earth or are naturally occurring substances. They are found in dirt, rocks, and water. They are not made by man. About 2,000 minerals have been found. Oxygen is part of many minerals. Minerals containing oxygen make up almost half of the earth's crust. Quartz is a common minerals. After you read this all text we can say that minerals could be used everywhere.

As I learned in class there is three layers of soil. First one is Topsoil, is the top layer of soil usually 5.1 centimetres to 20 centimetres in depth. The topsoil has the most concentration of organic matter as well as microorganisms and is where the majority of the Earth's biological soil activity takes place. Second is a Subsoil, is a sub part of the soil and is made up of sand, pebbles, and clay. And the last one is Bedrock, is made of rock. The type of rock varies from place to place, but it is usually granite. Bedrock can be found either a ways underground or, less commonly, on the surface.

Erosion is the wearing away of the surface of the earth. Erosion is the process by which soil and rock are removed from the Earth's surface by natural processes such as gravity, wind, glacial ice, or water, and then transported and deposited in other locations. It is the reason that rivers are muddy after it rains, valleys form, and the