My Grandmother: An Immigrant

Words: 679
Pages: 3

Certainly, my memoir is about my grandmother. Her name is Mary. She was born in the south, Tennessee, in 1950. While in the south, she took care of her siblings, 14 of them, with her grandmother, Ossie. The small town she grew up in was called Covington. The population was 4,300. Despite, living in a small town, her personality flourished and blossomed. My mother was her first child of the three daughters she had. And likewise, I was born later down to my mother, her second child.
Although, I was not born in the slave years, I was raised by my grandmother. I say this because being raised by your grandmother in an African American culture was considered normal for years. That trait was carried on to me and my family. To my family, she was a super woman. She worked full time at a local bank near the house and took care of me and my older sister. She also had my aunt (her youngest daughter), our grandpa and her grandmother to care for. She did it all. Her ability to take care of her family and herself without complaining was unmatched.
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Importantly, the way that a grandmother, in my family, has the authority and experience to raise a family in a way that they feel is best. It was not frowned upon in the earlier years when a grandmother raised all of her own children and her children’s children. But what I have found in this experience was that I have a respect all the people in this world who felt that their most important gift to give was their family. I could not be easy to continuously build a structure for your family year after year. Since her grandmother did it for her and her siblings, she followed by doing it for her children and is doing it to this