My Leadership Philosophy

Words: 494
Pages: 2

The world is full of leaders and followers, Either could be good or bad. Leaders inspire the followers and encourage change. Sometimes on purpose, sometimes on accident. We have leaders influence all around us. Teachers, parents, employers, and political leaders. A good leader inspires us to be ourselves, to reach out and help others, to learn, and to be great leaders ourselves. Leaders can also influence us to make the wrong choices, very Influential leaders that influence us for the worst can cause mass genocide, war, and civil unrest. It is a balance. The world is in lack of good leaders, schools and afterschool programs are currently holding leadership camps to help students become leaders in their own community. I participated in one of these leadership camps at my school called connect week. Connect week took the leaders of my school; Guidance counselors, Teachers and student council, and taught us how to be better leaders ourselves. I learned that no one is ever alone in their struggle, that by being vulnerable we can make friends and solve problems in so many ways. We met for an hour every day and got out of our comfort zone. We had different themes …show more content…
As the French club president I know this to be true. This year I have learned to work as a leader of a team to plan activities and get things done by deadlines. I have learned that my role is very important to my club and that without me the club cannot function. Being in charge does not make me a good leader, making choices that help those in my club learn and grow in a positive way does. I can teach, help, and assist people by being a leader that inspires for good. I can also be a good leader by having others lead and develop their skills. I work with my team to develop their leadership skills so that after I graduate the club can be run and organized efficiently without