Nervous System Research Paper

Submitted By Charles-Schwartz
Words: 527
Pages: 3

The Nervous System is a complex and important part of body and your life function. The Nervous System consists of the brain and the spinal cord; and off of that there are the neurons. There are three types of neurons, and each have their own responsibilities. The neuron is a nerve cell, going off into its own class. There are two sections of the Nervous System, the Central Nervous System; and the Peripheral Nervous System. The Neuron is an impulse conductor, so it creates its own type of electricity that can help the body function. Many things go on with neurons, some bad and some good. Without it, the world would be entirely different, and we would not thrive or live. The neuron is built up of many parts, and all with their own specialty. The dendrite is commonly found at the ends of nerve cells, and it is a thin fiber like strand branching down from the cell body of a nerve cell. They collect nervous signals through another connection called synapses. The cell body of a neuron contains the nucleus and other organelles, such as the endoplasmic reticulum. Out of the cell body branches the axon, the cell body controls them all the way to the tip of the end. Some can be at remarkable lengths. There is a sturdy transport of organelles flowing down from the cell body through the length of the axon. The flow is driven by kinesis, going along the many micro tubes in the cytoplasm in the axon. Most axons are covered in a fatty substance called the myelin sheath. It acts like a plastic coating like you would see on an extension cord, and acts like one too. It protects most of the axon, except for small exposed gaps called the node of Ranvier. The synaptic terminal releases chemicals into the synapse, which acts as an extension to send information from one neuron to the other. There are three types of neurons in our nervous system; the bipolar neuron, the unipolar