My Mother Pieced Quilts Analysis

Words: 542
Pages: 3

Heritage isn't just a picture frame on the wall or just a used blanket that has been passed down through generations, it is the little things that represent a family heritage. The memories that an item could create is what some families appreciate and remember and what other families ignore. In the short story "Everyday Use" by Alice Walker and the poem "My Mother Pieced Quilts" by Teresa Acosta, both authors use of imagery and figurative language to establish the quilt as a symbol for the importance that a object could have in a family's heritage to illustrate the theme
In the short story "Everyday Use", the author uses imagery and figurative language to authorize the quilt as a symbol that helps create the theme. When Dee takes the quilts and argues that she wants them, the author says, "She held the quilts securely in her arm, stroking them"(64). The author is using imagery to show how ungrateful Dee is of the everyday use of the quilts. When the narrator saw the fear in her daughter, the
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The author is using imagery to show the involvement for developing the patterns when distinguishing the process of making quilts, the author states, "tucking them in/ as you did us at night"(54). The author uses personification to depict the tucking the thread does to the authors children at night before they go to bed. It shows the devotion that the mother has for making quilts and for loving and caring for her children. While describing her admiration towards the quilts, the author writes," there strips of gentle communion cotton and flannel/nightgowns/ wedding organdies/dime stare velvets"(54). The author is using imagery to describe the elegance her mother puts into the