My Nursing Philosophy Paper

Words: 928
Pages: 4

The goal of this personal philosophy paper is to discuss my attributes towards nursing, including why I chose nursing as well as the essence of my nursing career. The paper will also discuss values and beliefs concerning nursing and my vision towards the future of my nursing practice. Because nursing profession is people centered, it is therefore very important for me to articulate my personal nursing philosophy.
Nursing practice values most people’s lives. It is all about people first and foremost. Therefore, human beings are central to my personal philosophy of nursing. Masters, K (2014) states, “Philosophy of nursing is our method of knowing. The experiences we have with ourselves, others and the environment provide structure to our thinking”
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As the population ages, demand for healthcare services increases and nursing care services is not an exception. Nursing as a career will guarantee job availability, thereby sustaining my financial independence. According to American Association of Colleges of Nursing, the Bureau of Labor Statistics indicates that 19% growth of RN workforce is expected by 2022 and 525,000 nurses will need replacement at the same period (Rosseter, R. 2014), Current and Projected Shortage Indicators section, para. 1). Therefore, I believe there will always be a need for …show more content…
2014). As a nurse I value good relationship with my patients. I believe building a good relationship facilitate health and healing. If any disagreements arose between my personal beliefs and those of the patient, I consider finding a common ground. A common ground that is able to meet the patient’s needs without compromising my own personal beliefs.
The purpose of nursing is to meet the needs of the patients as well as the family and significant others. Family members and significant others will definitely look for well-being of their loved one. I believe in the importance of engaging them in health initiatives to provide optimal care. According to Katharine Kolcaba’s Theory of Comfort, needs for relief and ease are achieved through sociocultural relationships including family and significant others (Masters, K. 2014, p. 73).
As a nurse, I must take responsibility for my every action. It is important to realize that fellow nurses can be of great resource. I therefore believe in work relationships that is supportive in providing care to patients. I recognize that they need respect and I acknowledge their hard work, reliability and