Myth Of Race

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Pages: 6

A human race is a large population of closely related people who share common genetic markers, but who are also related, only but slightly less close to other human beings on earth. The existence of race pertains to how people tend to congregate with people from their own region. Race as some see it is just a pigment of our imagination. The race is a method used to draw attention to the legal, political and social construction of categories that were formatted to keep people in their place or as such may say in the hierarchies of power and privilege. Race is common misconstrued with the concept that it is a subspecies when it is not even a defined group because of its unclear boundaries. Through assumptions of these boundaries comes the issue …show more content…
The myth of “race” has supported the horrors of slavery, apartheid, segregation, eugenics and the Holocaust. It continues to support racism. We cannot simply ignore the harm this myth has caused and pretend that the myth never existed. The scientific, democratic and ethical goal should be to eliminate the false idea of “race” completely. But how do we both destroy the myth and remedy the harm it has caused? We can begin by mentally changing how we see people. ( Shea, 2011) When we look at someone and automatically think about that person’s “race,” we must realize that we are not seeing “race” but instead seeing an arbitrary and harmful societal classification imposed on a continuum of physical differences. (Hodge,2013) As I read Man's Most Dangerous Myth: The Fallacy of Race by Ashely Montagu she analyzes how biological race how become mentally and social constructed to maintain power of one race over the other. Before we can dismantle the myth of race we must enforce a remedy to heal the damage and cancel out the harm of …show more content…
The customary anthropological practice of describing the end effects of complex variations without attempting to consider the nature of the subject responsible from them can lead to the misconception of the real meaning. The genetic theory brings to light the process of genetic drift whereas genetic heterogeneous or homogenous groups, spontaneously ramose variations in gene frequencies in the course of time occur so that such original behavior becomes relative to homogenous groups that exhibit certain differences from other isolated groups which stared with the same genetic equipment. The genetic theory is supported by the biological facts formatted in chapter four. All variations of man belong to the same species and have the same remote ancestor. This is a result of cumulated evidence of comparative anatomy, paleontology, serology, and genetic points. Up to the present time there isn’t a satisfactory classification of the varieties of mankind for the reason that all human varieties are much more mixed than plants and animal forms, hence there is a greater dispersion or scattering of characters. The effects of producing a considerable amount of intergrading ethic groups and varieties that constitutes proof of their mixed characters. A common outcast of race is Jews which most question are they a race. When reference is made to the Jewish “race” what is implied is that there exist a