Essay about N211PPT Week 7 Prioritize Implement Evaluate FA 2012

Submitted By mayradm85
Words: 913
Pages: 4


 Have

I Gathered Enough Assessment ???
 1st level-subject and objective(4 senses)
 2nd level- hx, etiology, other contributing problems

 Have


I Analyzed / Interpreted the Data???

 What is it telling you?
 What are you thinking? Feeling? About your client …..

 Have

I Validated the Assessment ??? (CT)

 Do I have enough data to validate this?
 Cluster your data!
 More than 1 or 2 assessment findings? Yes or No?

Did you take your assessment findings / complaints and cluster them to make a nursing problem?

 Ex: increased WBC count, temperature 101F, (+) chills, feeling

“weak and tired”, (+) blood cultures, ………… all abnormal assessments documented in the Protection Mode ………… nursing problem “Infection”

Take this nursing problem to you NANDA list and look under the mode of RAM.

Read the options for nursing diagnoses there. ……….

Do any of these NANDA and their definitions match your pt?

Choose a NANDA that you think explains your patient. Look up this NANDA in your Nursing Diagnosis Manual (Ackley) and read about the qualifiers?

 Read

the definition of the Nursing
 Section III of Ackley

 Look

at the symptoms / characteristics common to the nursing diagnosis:
Ask yourself ……
 “Does my client have these s/sx?”
 “Is this diagnosis appropriate for the client?”
 “Is there more assessment I need to justify it?”  Compare

your data!

 Have I related the 1st and 2nd level

assessments well?
 Cause and effect? Make sense?
 Do they show a “true relationship”? Does one really cause the other? (apples to apples and oranges to oranges?)

 Take

a look at your entire assessment database and make nursing problems and then NANDA diagnoses for all problems that you see existing in the Physiological and
Psychosocial Modes.
 Build a list – don’t get crazy!
Remember, no super nurse can plan and implement care for 20 problems!

High Priorities
 Life Threatening / High Alert
▪ A – irway – non-patent / occluded / constricted
▪ B – reathing – labored / SOB / dyspnea
▪ C – irculation – bleeding / shock / clots
▪ Safety – falls / infection / aspiration / bleeding
▪ Life / Limb / Sight
▪ Pain

Medium Priorities

 Problems that threaten health or coping abilities
 Patient Teaching

Low Priorities

 Don’t have a major effect if not dealt with today (or

maybe not even this week)
 Won’t change the well-being of the client or delay discharge  “Maslows

Hierarchy of Needs”

 Ackley (Appendix A – pg. 905)

 Ask


 “If I do not address this first and

foremost, what will happen to my client?”  “What can cause an immediate life threatening change in my client? In this shift? In the next few hours?”

Patients have many problems ….. what makes it a “priority problem”?

 When it is the patient’s priority (pain, SOB, anxiety)
 Keeps the patient from moving to the next phase of

wellness (fluid volume excess)
 High probability for harm (infection risk, falls)
 Delays discharge process

Day & Night shift may have different priorities
 Ambulation vs. Sleep

To reduce physiological harm to your patients

Improve their physiological states 
Stabilize their medical conditions 
Support / minimize a decline in their overall state and rehabilitative process

Where am I spending the most of my “nursing hours and focus”? Example : My pt has been admitted with Heart
Failure – which problem do I pick?

 What are the interventions that you are doing? Medical


IV diuretics?
Strict I/O?
Low Na diet?
Fluid restriction?
Daily weights?
Auscultating lung sounds?
Providing oxygen?
Match a “nursing problem” closely with the interventions


are ever-evolving!!!

 Maintain flexibility
 Constantly re-assess your client’s

 Problems are identified on admission, but can change throughout the hospitalization

AID….. PIE!!!!!! Yes – we are ready for pie!
We are