NANDA-I Nursing Diagnosis

Words: 259
Pages: 2

The NANDA-I nursing diagnosis I have chosen for the postoperative patient is Impaired Airway Clearance related to surgical revisions of the airway.

*What is the cause or related factor for this NANDA-I nursing diagnosis?

A total laryngectomy consists of the removal of the entire larynx requiring a permanent tracheostomy. The patient will experience permanent loss of the voice and artificial stoma for air exchange within the lungs. A stoma is placed to restore the previous larynx that once provided the protective sphincter. Complications that may occur include a salivary leak, surgical wound infection, development of a pharyngocutaneous fistula, stomal stenosis, and esophageal stricture may cause dysphagia.

*Identify an outcome for this NANDA-I