Which Of The Following Is True About A TCP/IP Security Standards?

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Pages: 5

Multiple Choice Questions
1. Which of the following is true about a TCP/IP network? The network uses standards defined in TCP/IP RFC's plus other standards.

2. Which of the following terms is not a common synonym for TCP/IP model? Ethernet / TCP/IP Mapping

3. Think generically about the idea of a networking standard, ignoring any particular standard or standards group. Which of the following is typically true of a standard? It exists as a written document / it has been passed through some form of review and approval or certification process

4. Contrast an international standard as compared to a de facto standard? De facto standard documents have been reviewed more thoroughly. / De Facto standards typically mean that the
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Two TCP/IP data-link protocols are Ethernet and PPP. Data-link protocols define addresses that identify devices connected to the underlying physical link.

19. Which of the following answers lists true facts about the transport layer of ICP/IP?
None of the answers are correct.

20. A PC user opens a web browser and sends a request to a web server to load a new web page. Three routers forward the data as it passes from client to server. Consider the data plus all headers and trailers that go from the web client to the web server. Which of the following headers go all the way from the web client to the web server? Network layer header, Application layer header and Data-link header.

Define Key Terms

TCP/IP network- It is commonly known as TCP/IP, because it’s most important protocols, the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) and the Internet Protocol (IP), were the first networking protocols defined in this standard

Networking standard- record the details of exactly what a new networking technology does, and how it does what it does. Networks do not work if the pieces do not work together, and standards help everyone agree on how something works so that it works well within the network. TCP/IP model- defines a large set of standards, which, when implemented together, create a safe and useful network.

Open networking model- shares the details so that any vendor can make products using those standards.

Open Systems