Narrative Essay About Being Trapped

Words: 1340
Pages: 6

I hear crying. Faint though it be, I hear it. The muffled sobs trail down from upstairs to reach me. These are not the tears of my person though. I feel her moving, see her place something in a shoebox oh so carefully, but still I see no tears. From my position by the door I watch as she writes on the box, deliberating over every word, pausing to make sure the inscription is honorable and caring before she fastens the container and stands. I know my role in this story, and my part is coming up. I will do as I always have. I will support my person just as she has done for the others.

As she slips me on, I am reminded of my own duty on this trying day; keep her warm, keep her dry. I slide into place, my top just brushing her knee. I notice how loosely I hold her feet and realize that she has substituted the customary woolen socks with a mismatched thin pair she must have thrown on in her haste. We walk together. Slowly approaching the stairwell, we pause to glance around. The snow swirls about us, collecting in drifts that I disrupt with rude tattoos of my rubber tread. We mount the stairs one at a time, so different than our usual bound, but I understand--she holds precious cargo. Now at the summit, we place the package atop the freezer and head off to complete our task. It is not a convenient location, but she has always felt that it is entirely too cruel to make one be
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Even though my wearer no longer needs me, I can hear her mother thanking her for stepping up once again to undertake the unpleasant task. In that respect we are similar, my wearer and I. There are times when we both must “step up” and face challenges no matter how daunting. For over seven years she has dealt with every family rodent that has passed away. She does it without complaint for she knows that she possesses the strength to carry it through, and she does not want to cause her siblings any additional