Narrative Essay On My Honor Class

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Pages: 5

I can still remember the words of my English teacher, when I decided to register for his Honors course. “This honors class is only for native speakers. International students are very slow, when it comes to analyzing literature.” I looked at him with determination and said, “Let me prove you wrong.” I dedicated my entire junior year to prove that just because I spoke a different language, did not mean I was not equally capable as an American student to analyze literature. He was convinced that a Latina like me would never succeed in his Honors course. The first day of Honors English, the teacher referred to me as Latina. With a smirk on his face he said, “Good morning class, we have a new Latina among us.” Although I would constantly argue with him regarding the way he referred to me, he did not care. He would act as if I had a difficult name to remember. “Its Ana, …show more content…
A label vaguely used by society to describe a woman with thick dark hair, tanned skin, full lips and curvy body. Even though I identified myself with the Latina label, now I have realized that I am more than just a label. I was born and raised in Peru, a country full of hardworking people who seek a better future. I grew up with “sancochado” for breakfast, and listening to salsa every Sunday morning. We would eat “tamales” and “humitas” every Sunday after church. Every time, a “bachata” or “reggaeton” comes on, I unconsciously move my hips. I come from a country where one’s skin color does not reveal one’s identity. The beauty of my culture is in its variety, a variety not only in our race, but also in our accents. Words such as Hispanic or Latino are limiting. We come in all shapes, sizes, colors, and dialects. There is no one word that fits us all. I am proud of my heritage, and respect my ancestors. I am standing on the shoulders of the people who came before me, and hopefully my shoulders will be there to hold the ones who follow