English High Retail Store

Submitted By Amanda0822
Words: 596
Pages: 3

Product: Jewelery target to upper mid level income people, and rich kids
Price: Individual sales Average $1000, set different levels of products
Place: First retail store in the heart of downtown London, Ontario In 1989, Galleria Mall opened, and John bought the recently vacated retail store next to his own and Nash Jewellers became a grandiose store with attractive storefront.  it lead a dramatic economic decline of the downtown area that lasted over a decade. In June 2000, John opened a second Nash Jewellers in the north London area known as Masonville. It stands alone, no mall fees paid. It with high tech called “Design Jewellery On-Line” (DJOL). Hired two young goldsmiths to design and produce custom jewelry. Cost extremely high, unable to earn enough revenue.  it competed directly with Ani Jewellers.
Nash North’s customers were younger than the downtown clientele, but appeared to be nearly as affluent. Those people interested in technology and Nash decide to keep lower inventory on hand.
It redesign program GEMVISION
Virtual inventory

Used to rely on the word of mouth marketing, in store brochures and free publicity to draw customers to the store.
Realize the decline of the downtown area; John recognized the need to invest in advertising and promotion.  Placed advertisement in the London Free Press(local newspaper serving London and its 6 surrounding countries with distribution rate of over 101000 per weekday and over 130000 on Saturdays)  London Business Magazines, that focus on firm’s custom-designed jewellery and Nash’s membership in the Canadian Jewellery Association
Television and radio created education infomercials (专题广告片), it is inexpensive but not allowed to promote the products, John wrote the scripts and paid $450 for three infomercials. Aired for 6 months at a cost of $12 per showing, can not choosing the time.

The Internet research:
136.86 million resided in Canada and the U.S.A.
E-mail being vast use
40% of the total internet users had already made an online purchase
50% of all online transaction were made in the U.S American. Spending average of US$828 for seven purchases in total
75% of online shoppers paid by credit card other preferred direct bank draft , bank transfers, and cash on delivery
Internet use for research
Catch the internet impulse shopping
In Canada, 2/3 preferred to buy from Canadian retail sites. Average CAD$ 431
Online security and