Nat Turner Rebellion Research Paper

Words: 712
Pages: 3

Nat Turner was born into slavery in Southampton County, Virginia, on the plantation of Benjamin Turner in 1800. Nothing is known about his father, but his mother was named Nancy. Turner was allowed by his owner to be instructed in religion, writing, and reading, even though it was illegal. When he was a small child, he was able to describe events that took place before his birth, leading some to believe he would “surely become a prophet.” Turner sold when his original owner died and was also the slave of Thomas Moore and his widow, then John Travis when Moore’s widow remarried. He was deeply religious and often had visions and received messages from God. Then, in February 1831, an eclipse came and he took it as a signal that it was time for the slaves to rise up. He led a rebellion in August 1831, killing the Travis family as well as many others. Then he fled into the woods. On October 30 of the same year, Turner was captured. He pled not guilty and was hanged on November 11. Nat Turner was such an important historical figure because he started a rebellion that was one of the most effective as well as one of the bloodiest in American history.

In the 1820s, Turner had several visions which led him to believe that God was commanding him to prepare to battle against evil. An
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It, along with the other slave uprisings in American history, tells Americans how willing slaves were to engage in resistance to obtain freedom. The insurrection made slave owners feel fearful, which led to some states passing more stringent laws, including laws prohibiting anyone from teaching a slave to read or write. Slave owners also figured out ways to gain tighter control over their slaves; however, this only led to even more revolt. People against slavery began to question their complacency and tactics as a result of Turner's rebellion as well. Nat Turner’s rebellion was even an event that helped cause the American Civil