Nathaniel Hawthorne’s "Young Goodman Brown": Loss of Faith Essay

Submitted By anyanikolicxoxo
Words: 2204
Pages: 9

In Nathaniel Hawthorne’s “Young Goodman Brown” the reader is left to reflect if Goodman Brown had fallen asleep in the forest and had a dream of a witch hunt occurring. The reader is left to decide Browns fate due to the fact that Nathaniel Hawthorne avoided answering the question, in his short story. It was never clear in the story about what had taken place in the forest; we can, however, be sure of the stages of Goodman Browns loss of faith along with the probable cause which we can see throughout Faith’s expedition with the devil, and in the forest. The reader can put together the pieces by the end of the story to realize that it is Goodman Brown himself who is responsible for his loss of his faith, and not anyone elses In Nathaniel Hawthorne’s “Young Goodman Brown” the reader is left to reflect if Goodman Brown had fallen asleep in the forest and had a dream of a witch hunt occurring. The reader is left to decide Browns fate due to the fact that Nathaniel Hawthorne avoided answering the question, in his short story. It was never clear in the story about what had taken place in the forest; we can, however, be sure of the stages of Goodman Browns loss of faith along with the probable cause which we can see throughout Faith’s expedition with the devil, and in the forest. The reader can put together the pieces by the end of the story to realize that it is Goodman Brown himself who is responsible for his loss of his faith, and not anyone elses In Nathaniel Hawthorne’s “Young Goodman Brown” the reader is left to reflect if Goodman Brown had fallen asleep in the forest and had a dream of a witch hunt occurring. The reader is left to decide Browns fate due to the fact that Nathaniel Hawthorne avoided answering the question, in his short story. It was never clear in the story about what had taken place in the forest; we can, however, be sure of the stages of Goodman Browns loss of faith along with the probable cause which we can see throughout Faith’s expedition with the devil, and in the forest. The reader can put together the pieces by the end ofIn Nathaniel Hawthorne’s “Young Goodman Brown” the reader is left to reflect if Goodman Brown had fallen asleep in the forest and had a dream of a witch hunt occurring. The reader is left to decide Browns fate due to the fact that Nathaniel Hawthorne avoided answering the question, in his short story. It was never clear in the story about what had taken place in the forest; we can, however, be sure of the stages of Goodman Browns loss of faith along with the probable cause which we can see throughout Faith’s expedition with the devil, and in the forest. The reader can put together the pieces by the end of the story to realize that it is Goodman Brown himself who is responsible for his loss of his faith, and not anyone elses the story to realize that it is Goodman Brown himself who is responsible for his loss of his faith, and not anyone elses In Nathaniel Hawthorne’s “Young Goodman Brown” the reader is left to reflect if Goodman Brown had fallen asleep in the forest and had a dream of a witch hunt occurring. The reader is left to decide Browns fate due to the fact that Nathaniel Hawthorne avoided answering the question, in his short story. It was never clear in the story about what had taken place in the forest; we can, however, be sure of the stages of Goodman Browns loss of faith along with the probable cause which we can see throughout Faith’s expedition with the devil, and in the forest. The reader can put together the pieces by the end of the story to realize that it is Goodman Brown himself who is responsible for his loss of his faith, and not anyone elses In Nathaniel Hawthorne’s “Young Goodman Brown” the reader is left to reflect if Goodman Brown had fallen asleep in the forest and had a dream of a witch hunt occurring. The reader is left to decide Browns fate due to the fact that Nathaniel Hawthorne avoided answering the question, in his short story. It was never clear in the