Native American Exploration Benefits

Words: 659
Pages: 3

Do you ever wonder about thousands of years ago, why many people move from one place to the another? Well, there can be thousands of reasons. For example, they were forced to go somewhere by the government, or the land isn’t fertile enough to provide them enough food to survive. Today, people still travel one place to another, except our reasons travel to other place was way different in the back then. An example could be we just want to travel to that country see their culture, food, and religion. The long-term consequences of European exploration to indigenous people in America include weapons, trades, and diseases.
In the back then, when the Europeans and Native Americans were used to be enemies, they won't help each other by providing weapons. But as time passes, they eventually become allies with one and another. When either side has a battle going on, they would provide weapons for the battle on each side. But mostly the weapon's comes from the Native Americans. They created a weapon call bow and arrow, which made up of sinew, twisted rawhide, gut, hemp, flax, or silk. They also created spear mostly made from wood, and little material like flint, obsidian, iron, steel or bronze. The Native Americans would share
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This works the same way for the Native Americans when the Europeans arrived. The Europeans they had an architecture in the southwest, where they grow crops by the Mississippi River; the most fertile land by the river. They mostly grow wheat product then turn them into as bread and cakes. They also rise stocks like chickens and cows. Then they would trade the product they’ve grown and risen to the Native American, and exchanges of weapons. So the trade was one of the most important ways the Native Americans and Europeans related with one another helped both sides to see the