Nazi Experiments Justified Essay

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Pages: 3

The initial thoughts that would cross one's mind after the exposure to the methods and types of experiments done in the Nazi camp would be solemn; and the experiments would never be justified even with the reasons given by the experimenters on why it did not matter if they did the experiments or not. Some of the experimenters “justified” their act by saying, “...that the prisoners were condemned to death anyway” (Cohen). The experimenters thought that it would not matter if they used them for their own benefit because they would have died working in the camp as they would here helping us get information. Though the justification would sway some people, the “prisoners” were tortured to death, and some of the experiments were intentionally designed to torture the “prisoners” and kill them (Cohen). This proves that not …show more content…
Doctor Robert Pozos was able to use the Nazi data on the experiment regarding about the reactions from a body being cooled below the temperature of thirty six degrees, and then reviving them by heating them up (Cohen). After looking through the experiments and his own experiments, Pozo decided to publish the Nazi data though Doctor Arnold Relman vetoed the decision (Cohen). The reason for the veto was because of the source of the data and how the data was obtained. The decision on not publishing the Nazi data is humanly in the sense of not wanting people to see the terrors behind these data, but many have known of the terrors that have occurred in the camp. It would be best to let the data that would help our future and present time be provided to specific people who would use the data in a mannerly and responsible way. Though many terrors are woven into the experiments, the data should be allowed to be available to specific trustworthy people so that the data cannot be used in a negative way but to be used in a positive