Negative Connotations In To Kill A Mockingbird

Words: 145
Pages: 1

In Lee’s novel we see how negative connotations can either make someone whose labeling a person feel like they have power over them or make the person they are labeling feel satisfaction, and get praise from others. An example of this is when Atticus has been called out by the sheriff to shoot a rabid dog that is putting town folk in danger and it’s a hard shot so Atticus takes the gun and fires at the dog getting a direct hit and Miss Maudie says “... Didn’t you know his nickname was good O’le one-shot when he was a boy” (98). This shows that Atticus was praised for being a great shot and killing the rabid dog to where now Jem and Scout ended up in awe of their father. Some people might say Atticus doesn't feel empowered and that he just feels