Neil Perry She's Leaving Home Analysis

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Pages: 3

Neil Perry from the film Dead Poet's Society directed by Peter Weir is a kid who's parents only want their son to be how they want. The daughter from She's Leaving Home, written and sung by The Beatles, is about how she left her home and her parents. When looking at both of these texts they show similarities in a dysfunctional family but still in their own ways. The first similarity is that neither Neil Perry's parents or the daughter's parents understood them. His parents refused to let Neil do what made him happy. Neil’s parents made every decision for him and would not listen to any of his opinions.
The parents acted in a way that seemed that as long as the child lived under their roof, then they would make all of the decisions. The daughter’s parents, on the other hand, "bought everything money could buy" which they seemed to think was how they were showing their love. Later on, the parents realize
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Even though they are sad about it, the parents still think that it is not their fault. The daughter's parents said that it was not their faults throughout the whole song. The parents were saying things such as: "We gave her most of our lives", or "Never a thought for ourselves". And perhaps they thought that they had not, but she was never truly loved. This is shown in the line “she is leaving home after living alone.” They also said that “We gave her everything money could buy” then, later on, say “Fun is the only thing money can’t buy”. This could mean that they never really hung out with their daughter. Neil's parents, on the other hand, had mourned over their son’s death, then looked for who to blame for it. They had decided to blame the new poetry teacher, Mr.Keating. Of course, there was not any proof that it was him and had convinced the Dead Poets Society to say that he had done a part in his death. In reality, though, Mr.Keating had no part in his