New England Colonies Research Paper

Words: 538
Pages: 3

The colony of Massachusetts was one of the first original colonies located on the Atlantic coast of North America, specifically a part of the New England Colonies. Massachusetts specifically played a large role in the American history since the pilgrims who were seeking religious freedom founded the Plymouth Colony. As one of the most important of the 13 colonies during British oppression Massachusetts became a leader in such. Also as is the major city in Massachusetts it was obviously, it's not the most important place at this particular time in our country's history due to the Boston Tea Party said to be the first act of the American Revolution.

Massachusetts being located on the coast was great placement, from this the colony was known for their agriculture and manufacturing; such as shipbuilding, the exportation of rum was a big business also. However the fishery of this colony was crucial enough in the trading to exempt the
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To add on to this effect the New England Colonies were in the coldest region, Massachusetts had a humid continental climate the summers while short are warm and the winters were to be cold, and in January the temperatures were below freezing, but positively the colony had less disease than the other three regions. From this, the colony’s economy was completely dependant on trade, due to the land not being as fruitful as some other colonies.

The Massachusetts Bay Colony had an overabundance of natural resources but such as fish, lumber and whales. Massachusetts had a nearly limited unlimited supply of fish at their disposal, and the whales were used for the oils and were a very very scarce resource during this time, lumber was used for shipbuilding and trading. With both the ocean and the forest the Colony enough resources to prolong the livelihood of the settlement for many years in