Essay about Newton's Laws of Motion and Isaac Newton Isaac

Submitted By balsackmcgee
Words: 649
Pages: 3

Paul Salata
December 3, 2014
Isaac Newton

Isaac Newton was born on January 4, 1643, in Woolsthorpe, England and died in London on March 31, 1727. He was an established physicist and mathematician, and one of the great minds of the 17th century Scientific Revolution. Isaac’s father was a prosperous local farmer but died 3 month after Isaac was born. Isaac himself was born prematurely and was not expected to survive. When Isaac was 3 years old, his mother, Hannah Ayscough Newton, remarried a well-to-do minister and left Isaac with his grandmother. At that age of 12, Isaac was reunited with his mother after her second husband died. His mom had 3 more children with her second husband. When this happened Isaac was enrolled in a King's School in Grantham. This is where he was exposed to chemistry. His mom pulled him out of school so he could become a farmer, but he was not happy to be a farmer and failed at this job. Later he returns to King School to finish out his education. After that by the influence of his uncle he attends University of Cambridge's Trinity College.
In 1687 Newton published Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy. This book contains the important concepts of physics and is thought to be the single most influential book on physics. In the book three basic laws were stated, 1) A stationary body will stay stationary unless an external force is applied to it; 2) Force is equal to mass times acceleration, and a change in motion is proportional to the force applied; and 3) For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.[CITE - Bio. A&E Television Networks]
Other created theories that Isaac Newtown’s created was the three Laws of Motion. The first Law of Motion states this “An object at rest will remain at rest unless acted on by an unbalanced force. An object in motion continues in motion with the same speed and in the same direction unless acted upon by an unbalanced force.” [CITE - Newton's 3 Laws of Motion] This means that there is a normal trend of objects to keep on doing what they're doing. All objects resist changes in their state of motion. In the absence of an unbalanced force, an object in motion will maintain this state of motion. The second law states, “Acceleration is produced when a force acts on a mass. The greater the mass (of the object being accelerated) the greater the amount of force needed (to accelerate the object).” [CITED - Newton's 3 Laws of Motion]. This means that the heavier objects require more force to move the same distance as