No Country For Old Men By Cormac Mccarthy: An Analysis

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Pages: 6

As the classical Western genre started to depopularize, new categories of the Western genre started to form, one being the Neo-Western genre. The book, No Country for Old Men by Cormac McCarthy, is a famous piece of work that falls into the Neo-Western genre; it tells a tale about a fictional event that occurs between three central characters, Llewelyn Moss, Ed Tom Bell, and Anton Chigurh. Living in Texas, specifically the Terrell County, Llewelyn Moss discovers two million dollars from an unsuccessful drug trade while hunting. Thinking that nobody will know about it, he stole the money. Anton Chigurh, the cold, psychopathic hitman, received a job to retrieve the stolen drug money. Following the crimes, Ed Tom Bell, the sheriff of the town, …show more content…
It takes place in open landscapes of mountain ranges, vast plain, and deserts. Settlers are settled in small towns that consists of jails, stables, and saloons. The male settlers have the stereotypical western clothing; they wear stetsons, boots with spurs, and jeans with a button up shirt, while the females are depicted as weak and dependent on men. They don’t have any power and need men to save them. One of the most important character of a Western genre is the cowboys. They are hired workers who takes cattles from one place to another. They have to be brave and strong because the towns are far apart and it was dangerous. Inside the towns, sheriffs and other lawmakers were able to take care of the outlaws, but outside the towns, Native Americans and outlaws lurked around causing it to be extremely dangerous to go outside the town. Outlaws robbed trains, stagecoaches, and even banks. To confront these illegal acts, lawmakers and outlaws have gun fights, like shootouts and showdowns. The classical Western genre encompasses in the theme of good versus evil. Heroes, like cowboys, marshall, or skilled gunfighters, fight to have the town safe from outlaws, the villains. They are courageous, masculine, tough, honorable, and have a respectable moral code that they never break.
Although the Western genre was well known for the whole 20th century, its popularity started to
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He is an ordinary person that lacks the characteristics of a hero, who happened to encounter an extraordinary event, the unsuccessful drug trade. The whole story happened all because of that one event. Moss decided to steal the drug lord’s money causing a hitman to come after him. From that time till his death, Moss ran away for his survival. He went through a lot of obstacles in order to stay alive, but in the end he couldn’t save himself nor his wife. Ultimately, he was the main character in the story that failed to demonstrate a heroism which led to his