No Heart For The Homeless Rhetorical Analysis

Words: 432
Pages: 2

Moody 1
Essay Three
Audience: College students learning the importance of pathos, ethos, and logos.
Message: “No heart for the Homeless” by Stuart D. Bykofsky is a successful argument; it would have been even more successful, however, if it contained more logos.
Purpose: To teach students the importance of including logos in a paper.
"No heart for the Heartless" by Stuart Bykofsky attempts to address the homeless in America as it airs his high sense of self-worth with no facts or data to back it up. Working with only his opinion, he opens by warning his reader "I am about to be heartless." In his attempt to play to the reader emotions writing “They do frighten my elderly neighbors. It is psychological assault”, as a reader I am already turned