'Nobility In Beowulf' Most Noble Viking

Words: 538
Pages: 3

Beowulf Most Noble Viking
What is nobility? According to Vikings nobility is the ability to be a true hero. Beowulf portrays this by taking on a foe that is almost twice his size. Not only does he defeat the foe, he defeats another foe that is twice his size. Beowulf, son of Ecgtheow is most noble due to his bravery, being able to defeat the evil Grendel with his bare hands. Because of his honor, after defeating Grendel, he doesn’t take gifts and leave. Furthermore, his fidelity because after he died, he gave his kingdom to Wiglaf who saved him from getting killed by the Worm.
Beowulf portrays fidelity by giving his kingdom to the person who saved him from getting eaten by a dragon. He did this most likely because he doesn't have any kids.